Awning Components – Code Information
About The International Code Council
The International Code Council (ICC) was established in 1994 as a nonprofit organization dedicated to developing a single set of comprehensive and coordinated national model construction codes. The founders of the ICC are Building Officials and Code Administrators International, Inc. (BOCA), International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO), and Southern Building Code Congress International, Inc. (SBCCI).
Since the early part of the last century, these nonprofit organizations developed the three separate sets of model codes used throughout the United States. Although regional code development has been effective and responsive to our country’s needs, the time came for a single set of codes. The nation’s three model code groups responded by creating the International Code Council and by developing codes without regional limitations the International Codes.
Purpose of the ICC
There are substantial advantages in combining the efforts of the existing code organizations to produce a single set of codes. Code enforcement officials, architects, engineers, designers and contractors can now work with a consistent set of requirements throughout the United States. Manufacturers can put their efforts into research and development rather than designing to three different sets of standards, and can focus on being more competitive in worldwide markets. Uniform education and certification programs can be used internationally.
A single set of codes may encourage states and localities that currently write their own codes or amend the model codes to begin adopting the International Codes without technical amendments. This uniform adoption would lead to consistent code enforcement and higher quality construction. The code organizations can now direct their collective energies toward wider code adoption, better code enforcement and enhanced membership services. All issues and concerns of a regulatory nature now have a single forum for discussion, consideration and resolution. Whether the concern is disaster mitigation, energy conservation, accessibility, innovative technology or fire protection, the ICC provides a single forum for national and international attention and focus to address these concerns.
For more information about ICC:
Fabric Awning & Canopy Building Code Reference
In response to an awning building code survey sent to the industry at large, PAMA developed the Fabric Awning & Canopy Building Code Reference. This is a handbook of basic resources for accessing code information and other code related resources.